
It may be useful to first consider separate limits:-
where is the core development of a village?
what areas have outlying development set further back from the road?
are there housing areas off a through route?  
where is development isolated by a rural gap? 

Speed limits can be combined to minimise the number of changes but ensure any limit is no lower than mean traffic speeds.

Where the speed limit commences at a Village boundary, the Village nameplate sign and speed limit roundel may be mounted together.

The combined sign should be located as near as practicable to the start of the development, so that drivers see housing at the same time as the signs, reinforcing the visual message for reduced speed.

Be wary of locating a speed limit in isolation.

Indeed, if a speed limit is set in isolation, or is unrealistically low, it is likely to be ineffective and lead to disrespect for the speed limit. As well as requiring significant, and avoidable, enforcement costs, this may also result in substantial numbers of drivers continuing to travel at unacceptable speeds, thus increasing the risk of collisions and injuries.


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